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Related post: calculus, or the presence of tubercle in the Fcacal tissties act in this manner. Dif aentlfttion from Kidney Disease. â Chronic gstitis is often diagnosticated when really the patholc^c condition present is in the kidney. The Nexium Costs pants of differentiation are: Almost constant presence of pain in the loin when the kidneys are affected, the tenderness on palpation in this re- pon and the enlargement of Nexium Vs Prilosec the or^n which can be felt on bimanual examination. iCidney affec- tion when it leads to the secretion of irritating ome may cause frequent urinatitm, but this symptom is more distinctive of bladder trouble and when it is accompanied by Purchase Nexium pain behind the pubis the affection is almost surely in the Buying Nexium bladder. in pyelitis the urine is always acid. In cystitis the urine is always alkaline. In kidney trouble corpuscles are more degenerated than Nexium Tablet when the pimilent process is in the bladder, and more tpithclial cells are found to be present. When the affection is in the kidney casts of blood and pns and hyaline Taking Nexium casts containing Nexium Tablets granular detritus arc found. Bladder irritability may be diagnosti- oied from chronic cystitis. The cystoscope is inportant for the dia^osis of doubtful bladder randitions. In chronic cystitis it very clearly shows the presence of Nexium Card the thickened, gelatinous- Iwldng bladder wall, with streamers ofmuco-pus Ixre and there and occasional red patches of livpcremia, if Omeprazole Nexium the patholt^c condition has existed fw some time. In very chronic cases ulcers will tt noted with whitish, elevated, gelatinous edges wd Nexium Versus Prilosec Nexium Omeprazole the floor of the ulcer hyperemic, or covered Iwe and there with pus. If tumor or stone i; piesent it can be seen and the character of the aanor may be determined, whether malignant, ^ign. sessile or pedunculated. Tnttment ot Asnte Cystitis. â The most im- portant Nexium Prices point in the treatment of acute cystitis is f«. The Nexium Purchase next is hot sitz baths. These deter- nnne the blood to the surface and lessen the *wity of the process within. They should be titei twice a day. Great relief is Is Nexium Otc often afforded by hot rectal injections. The urine should be made unirritating by alkaline diluents. The an- tiseptics, such as the benzoates and salicylates, often give great relief by changing the reaction of the urine and making the pathologic process less acute. The antispasmodics, Buy Online Nexium belladonna and hyoscyamus, should be administered if needed, and where Nexium Buy Online the local tenesmus is very great they should be given by suppository. Irrigation by the Janet method with permanganate of potash, beginning with a solution of 1-4000 and increas- ing the strength i-iooo, is often very effective. Solutions stronger than this should not be used, Where the permanganate is not effective, ni- trate of silver should be used, beginning with a 1-16,000 scdution and gradually increasing its strength. Treatment of Chronic Cystitis. â Chronic cys- titis may be Nexium 10 benefited even when its cause cannot be removed. Antiseptics and antispasmodics do Nexium Otc a great deal of good. Irrigations are often of the greatest service. While in an acute cystitis no instrument should be passed into the bladder, in chronic conditions this is not Otc Nexium con train dicated. Where ammoniacal urine exists the use of urotro- pine, seven to ten grains three times a day, some- times does away with the necessity for irrigation. There is nothing to equal it in its effect on the symptoms in these cases. Where stricture and enlarged prostate exist they must be treated di- rectly. Slight strictures should be stretched; tighter strictures should be cut with an Otis or Maisonneuve urethrotome if they are in die an- terior urethra; if in the deep urethra an exter- nal urethrotomy should be done. For slight strictures a soft rubber catheter should be used to draw the urine. If this does not pass, then a woven catheter should be employed. For en- larged prostate resection of the vas deferens and castration are not used at the present time. Nexium On Line Very large and hard prostates, the door-knob variety, should be enucleated. The operation is easy as the fibrous tissue of the prostate can be easily shelled out of its capsule. Bottini's method should be used in small enlargements of the pros- tate where the middle lobe mainly produces the obstruction to urination. Enucleation is very difficult in these conditicms. Tubercular cystitis should be treated locally, but general treatment should be simultaneously employed. Cystitis in Wom«n.â Dr. A. J. C. Skene of Brooklyn said that the treatment of cystitis in women does not differ from that of the same condition in men. Preventive treatment is, how- ever, much more important in women than in men. The etiology is very different in the two sexes. In women cystitis is very often due to some form of infection from Prilosec Versus Nexium without. After par- turition and Prilosec Vs Nexium surgical operations, when catheteri- zation has been necessary, it frequently happens that cystitis develops. Formerly this was con- sidered to be the result of the use of unclean in- struments, but the most sedulous care in the cleansing of instruments will not do as much to prevent cystitis as the use of a soft catheter. '^' to I oyle NEW YORK COUNTY ASSOCIATION. 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