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Related post: We shall present to our readers the able ad- dress of Dr. Wood in a shortly forthcoming issue of the Medical News. SUMLIBHT AKD HOKE HfeiEME. Although for centuries it had been more thair suspected that sunlight was Nature's great disin- fectant, it is only within recent Medrol Tablets years that bacte- rioli^c investigations have shown that whitt light is a most powerful inhibitory agent for the- growth Generic Medrol of all forms of microscopic life. Some- how the actinic rays of white light, the same that cause the changes in the silver Order Medrol Online salts in photog- raphy, are able to initiate alterations in the chem- ical constituents of microbes that eventually lead to their complete destruction. Unfortunately, Nature's pervasive germicide is not allowed to penetrate into the living-room of city folk in suf- ficient amounts to permit the full exercise of these beneficial powers. This is true not alone in th^ houses of the poor, for even frwn the dwellings of the better class sunlight is excluded as zeal- ously almost as if it were an instrument of harm. The dim cathedral light that seems to many housewives the great desideratum for living- rooms is a serious preventer of important natural, hygienic processes â processes that deserve to be- encouraged not obstructed. Curtains that keep- out the sunlight lest it should fade the carpets or the wall-paper, or show too clearly that the house- fe herself is not longer in the bloom of youth,, do much more than merely darken the room. They make it a favorable living and breeding place for any bacteria that may be introduced. Hallways into which so many bacteria are brought direct from the dusty streets, instead of being the most lightsome parts of the house, are usually the darkest. Double doors and stained glass effectually preclude active sunlight. This is not as it should be. The matter is- so important that family physicians should throw the weight of their influence in favor of the great- est possible amount of sunlight in the home. For delicate children it means frequently the differ- ence between a life free from illness and one in which delicacy of constitution becomes inveterate from recurring ailments. The improvement in health among the poor of our large cities as the result of letting in the light into the tenements shows how much good the great solar scav- enger can accomplish even under unfavorable circumstances. A time will come, doubtless, when the family physician will form one of May 5, igoo] ECHOES AND NEWS. 703 Medrol Cost the family council as to hygienic arrange- ments of the home. Meantime, the lesson must be insisted on that sunlight cannot with im- punity be denied fee entrance to the house. The orange and red stained-glass windows may give elusively brilliant color effects on hangings, nigs, and furnishings, but they disann sun- light for its conflict with disease. They shut out the precious rays at the blue end of the spectrum, odorless, noiseless, but efficient scavengsrs, that do Nature's work and so make life possible for the higher organisms in spite of the multitudin- ous germs Purchase Medrol that exist and multiply so rapidly all around them. ECHOES AND NEWS. The Barren Island Plant. â Governor Roosevelt has signed the bill compelling the removal of the garbage works from Barren Island, N. Y., Buy Cheap Medrol and the Medrol Online abatement of the nuisance. Cont^fioDi Diseases. â There were reported in New York during the week ending April 28, 1900: Measles, 714 cases and 27 deaths; diph- theria, 224 cases and 43 deaths; laryngeal diph- theria (croup), 10 cases and 4 deaths; scarlet fever, 165 cases and 13 deaths ; smallpox, 2 cases ; mberculosis, 202 cases and 204 deaths; typhoid fever, 10 cases and 8 deaths ; cerebrospinal menin- gitis, 3 deaths; totals, 1327 cases and 302 deaths. The Jacob! Dinner. â The post-prandial pro- gram of the Jacobi dinner has been arranged as follows: (i) Opening address by the presiding officer, J. D. Bryant, M.D. (2) Dr. Jacobiâ the Physician, by VV. H. Thomson, M.D. (3) Dr. Jacobiâ the Scientist, by William Osier, M.D. (4) Dr. Jacobi in Relation to Medical Education, by Hon. Seth Low. (5) (Title to be an- nounced.) Hon. Carl Schurz. (6) Presenta- tion of the Festschrift, by Buy Medrol A. G. Gerster, M.D. The TnbercolosiB CongreM. â The International Tuberculosis Congress was opened at the San Carlo Theater, Naples, Italy, April zsth, in the presence of the King and Queen of Purchase Medrol Online Italy and the Minister Medrol Price of Public Instruction, Dr, Baccelli. The latter delivered the inauguration speech. United States Embassador Draper was in attendance. Horpbine Pricea Lower. â The price of mor- phine was reduced ten cents an ounce on April 23rd. This makes the third reduction during .\pril and lowers the price from Order Medrol Buy Medrol Online $1.90 to $1.80. The reason for this Cheap Medrol latest decline is probably the keen Medrol Mg competition between the old and new manu- facturers. Related links: Cheap Slimfast, Printable Nexium Coupon, Buy Rogaine In Canada, Yasmin Drospirenone Ethinyl Estradiol, Generic Carvedilol, Buy Imiquimod, buy maxalt cheap, Vytorin Statin, Buy Cheap Cipro Online, Nitrofurantoin Tablets

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