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Related post: There are still other bacteria which ordinarily live outside the animal and plant body and which exist largely upon dead organic material, which when Is There A Generic For Micardis taken into the body occasionally produces disease pro- cesses. They are called facultative parasites. As an example of an obligate parasite the Bad. lepuc of leprosy may be cited, although in this instance certain observers have claimed to have cultivated the bacillus in pure culture. However, the results are not in any sense uniform. Improved bacteriological technic has Micardis Hct Generic made possible the cul- tivation of a large number of bacteria which heretofore were re- garded as obligate parasites, B. Typhosus of typhoid fever and the Msp. comma of cholera are examples of facultative saprophytes and B. letani of tetanus and Bad. ivclchii of gaseous gangrene may be men- tioned as examples of facultative parasites. Pathogenic Protosoa.. There are several infectious diseases in man and animals which are caused by patht^enic protozoa. Among the common diseases due to protozoa there may be mentioned' malaria, syphilis, rabies, amebic dysentery, Texas fever, infectious jaundice of dogs, and the various trypanosome infections, such as sleeping sick- Micardis Plus 80 12.5 Mg ness, nagana, dourine, and mal de caderas. It is difficult to artificially cultivate Micardis Substitute the pathogenic protozoa outside the animal body in pure cul- ture. The Trypanosoma brucei of nagana and the Trypanosoma lewisi of the rat have been cultivated. The Entamoeba coli and the Entamoeba telragena of dystenery, the various types of the Plas- modium malaria, and the Treponema pallidum of syphilis have also been cultivated, and it is stated that under certain conditions the Piroplasma bigemium of Texas fever may be artificially grown. L.L,;,z>.Jl.AjOOglC THE OHIO PUBLIC HEALTH JOURNAL. S UUramicroscopic Microorganisms or Viruses. There are some infectious diseases the causes of which have never been discovered. The infectious agents in most instances cannot be cultivated and can- not Micardis 20mg be stained by the ordinary bacteriological methods. The presence of ultra-microscopic organisms has been demonstrated in several ways. For example, when the ordinary bacterial culture is run through a fine porcelain filter, the filtrate contains no microorganisms ana conse- quently when inoculated into animals is n on- infectious, although if soluble toxins be present there may be evidences of an Micardis Generic Equivalent intoxication. When the viruses or the infected body fluids of men or animals suffer- ing from the diseases mentioned below are passed through a fine por- celain filter the filtrate remains infectious, therefore demonstrating that the viruses or microorganisms are filtrable and are probably so small that they cannot be seen. Examples of diseases due to agents belonging to this class are as follows : hog cholera, yellow fever, foot- and-mouth disease, rinderpest, epithelioma contagiosum of fowls, chicken typhus, horse sickness, and acute poliomyelitis. There are several infectious diseases of unknown cause, the viruses of which are not filtrable, for example, smallpox, cowpox and vaccinia, typhus fever and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. There are still other dis- eases of unknown cause about which nothing is known regarding the filtrability of the etiological agents of the disease. Scarlet fever, chicken-pox and measles belong to this class. These diseases can be inoculated into animals only with great difficulty and the virus cannot be cultivated or secured in sufficient quantities from the experimental animals for study. A possible explanation of some of these diseases of unknown caitse may be found in the proposition that two micro- organisms niay each produce non-toxic substances, and that when these non-toxic substances come together, Micardis 40 Mg Price a toxic substance may be produced. This condition of 'affairs might explain certain infectious diseases in which microorganisms are known to occur and in which they cannot be directly connected with the disease as causative factors. For ex- ample, the Sirept Pyogenes very frequently occurs in both scarlet fever and smallpox. It has been shown absolutely that this organism is not the cause of these diseases, but there is a remote possibility that it may act in the so-called associate relation with some other micro- organism or virus as mentioned above and produce the typical symp- toms of these diseases. It has been recently demonstrated that scar- let fever is due to a filtrable virus but there is every reason to believe that the occurrence of Generic Micardis Hct the Strep, pyogenes materially changes the char- acter of the infection and makes it more severe. The associative relationship of infectious organisms is probably not the logical ex- L.^;,z<.Jl.iLjOOglC 6 THE OHIO PUBLIC HEALTH JOURNAL. planation for all infections of this character. It tn^ht be mentioned in this connection that tha view is held by some investigators that some of the infectious diseases of unknown etiology are due to enzy- â mcs and that a so-called aiitocatalysis explains the seeming reproduc- tion in the body of the viruses. This theory is, however, without sub- stantial proof. THE DISTRIBUTION OF PATHOGENIC MICROBIC AGENTS IN NATURE. The causal microorganisms of most of our infectious diseases are found principally in the bodies of diseased man or animals. There are some exceptions to their being found only in the bodies of the diseased. Notably examples are found among certain of the wild animals such as the brush-buck, wildebeast and others which serve as reservoirs for the microorganisms of some of the most fatal of pro- tozoal diseases. These animals seem lo be naturally immune. Various insects which are factors in the transmission of certain infectious dis- eases do not suffer from these diseases in any form and are naturally immune. The most common source, however, is the diseased animal . or human body. There is no doubt, for example, that the natural habitat of the Bact. diphtlieriue is in the throat and nasal passages of persons suffering from or convalescing from Micardis Hct 40mg 12.5mg diphtheria. Occasionally these bacteria are also found in the nasal pas.sages and throats of per- sons who have never had diphtheria. The B. typhosus of typhoid fever also has its natural abode in the intestinal tract of persons suf- fering from or convalescing from the fever. The same is true with thg majority of the causal, microorganisms. There are some microbic agents, Micardis Mycard Program however, which exist in the soil but probably'do not undergo multiplication such as the B. tclani of tetanus or lockjaw, Bact. tuelchii of emphysematous or gaseous gangrene, and the B. botuJinus of meat poisoning. These bacteria sometimes exist in the intestinal tracts of animals such as the horse and in all probability their occur- rence Generic For Micardis Hct in the soil is due to their deposition in manure. THE OCCURRENCE OF PATHOGENIC MICROBIC AGENTS UPON AND IN Buy Micardis Hct THE BC«)1ES OF HEALTHY ANIMALS AND MAN. The exposure to the air of the external surfaces of the body, of course, makes it especially easy for microorganisms to collect upon them. The large percentage of the microorganisms which collect on the external surfaces are non -pathogenic but there are frequently dis- ease producing ones among them. The various varieties of the M. Pyogenes are almost universally preesnt on the skin and also Micardis Plus 80 Mg on the exposed mucous membranes. Strept. pyogenes, Bact. inflenza, Bact. zLd^LjOOgiQ THE OHIO PUBLIC HEALTH JOURNAL. 7 tuberculosis, M. intracellularis var. meningitidis. Strep, pneumoniae, Bact. diphtheriae and many other species may be present. The mouth and nose are exicellent places for microorganisms to collect and ex- cellent for their growth as the requisite conditions such as food, heat and moisture are present. It has been stated on competent authority that all the species of bacteria which have been described as occurring in various parts of the body have also been found in the mouth. These bacteria do not necessarily produce disease or injure the body Micardis 80 Mg Price unless the vitality is lowered and they enter into the tissues. They Micardis Telmisartan 40 Mg feed upon the desquamating cells and the excretions. It is exceed- ingly interesting to note that Micardis Cost Bact. tuberculosis and 5o

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