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About Neil

  • Birthday 05/08/1965

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  1. the new site is sort-of live - although there's still a lot of tweaking to do to improve things.
  2. eGigs is having a makeover and then it's going to have some real and constant efforts put into content (news, etc). You can see the new colour above, although that's not actually how the main part of the site will look. Hopefully it'll be ready to go by the beginning of September.
  3. The forums have been upgraded to the latest major version of the software, and as there's a number of design tweaks those have been rolled out onto main part of eGigs too. It's not huge changes, but it looks a little more fresh and modern. You might need to force a full refresh with ctrl-F5 for the main site changes to show.
  4. The forums have been upgraded again. Improvements include a better/faster edit box, and a new integrated mobile menu (working on the forums now, yet to be replicated in the main part of the site). Enjoy.
  5. corr ... there was a hell of a lot of spam here that I had to delete one by one. I'll keep an eye on it from here.

  6. You might have noticed that the list of bands which makes up the 'latest tourdates' new gigs list has got a bit static in the last few weeks. This was due to some changes in the data feeds it uses. I've now amended the code that processes those data feeds to compensate, so I hope the list will now be a more visible reflection of the many new gigs that get listed here.
  7. You might have noticed that I'm currently doing a minor makeover with eGigs. Sometimes I mess up, so if you spot anything that seems broken or malformed, please post the details here so that I can get it sorted out. Thanks.
  8. the forums have just been upgraded to the latest version of the forums software. Hopefully everything will work properly, but if not please leave a post on the forums to let me know of any problems.
  9. The forums have just been upgraded to the latest forums software. Hopefully everything will work properly, but if not please leave a post on the forums to let me know of any problems.
  10. the forums have been upgraded again, with some minor patches for issues caused by the upgrade that was done last week.
  11. The forums have just been upgraded to the latest version of the forums software, and the custom skins re-created from scratch to ensure that they're using all the features as they should be. Hopefully everything will work properly but if anything isn't working please let me know via a forums post.
  12. The upgrade has been completed. An issue has been discovered with the upgraded software, but I've found a work-around with it for the moment - so hopefully there shouldn't be any further issues. If you find any problems, please post the details here.
  13. The forums will be updated to the latest version of the forums software within the next hour - as soon as I've uploaded all of the relevant software. This will require the forums to be taken offline for a short while (around 15 minutes) while the upgrade process is carried out. Apologies for any inconvenience. I'll make a further post in this topic when the upgrade has been completed.
  14. The forums have been upgraded today to the latest version of the forums software. Hopefully there's no issues been caused by the upgrade but if there has been please let me know by starting a topic in the Website wishlist & problems forum. http://www.egigs.co.uk/forums/index.php?showforum=22
  15. because of the number of spam-bots now hitting these forums, I've chosen to upgrade the forums as this newer version does a better job at keeping the bots away. To cut down on the re-skinning work (to make it match the eGigs colour scheme) I've used the efestivals skin initially, which I'll be working thru in the next few hours (or perhaps days), so at the moment it's not looking as pretty as it might. Apologies in the meantime - I'll get it sorted as quickly as I can.
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