The Distillers

Rock City, Nottingham on Sat 15th Nov 2003

Brody Dalle and her entourage otherwise known as The Distillers brought their brand of punk music to Rock City and absolutely kicked ass. Even before they arrived on stage, the fans were chanting Brody, Brody, Brody', strangely this was mainly from the females in the crowd. No doubt about it, Brody is certainly making an impression on the younger female generation.

For just over one hour The Distillers bombarded their fans eardrums with pure angst fuelled punk music. The audience were constantly moshing and throwing various items towards the stage.

Brody claims that she hates her fans, and this was certainly demonstrated by the way she didn't have any interaction with the audience. The Distillers musically are untouchable, however their attitude towards their fans needs to alter as without that interaction, they are just plain boring live.

article by: Luke Seagrave

published: 05/01/2004 07:09


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