The usual animal cruelty information point takes pride of place next to the merch stand, present at every Propagandhi show. Before the band play a lady comes onstage to tell the crowd of the sea shepherds fight against Japanese whalers, rallying for support which (apart from a few 'funny' shitheads) she gets. Then after the intro music the sound of technical punk rock fills the room. This is better than the last time Propagandhi played Sheffield at the 02 Academy, and set the place on fire! Only kidding, the fire and evacuation wasn't their fault at all, but the gig should not have been cancelled (especially after the venue was declared safe for the punters entering the club night straight after). Take your money and run 02, thanks for that.

The Canadian band are avid vegans and fierce protesters at many of the world's injustices, and the way they share their thoughts is though some damn tasty punk rock. Over the years it has become more technical (less verse, chorus, verse) and show just how good a band these guys are. Todd Kowalski on bass is my new hero, performing extreme hammer-ons whilst bouncing about like Tigger and finding time in there to sing. Same goes for singer/guitarist Chris Hannah, drummer Jord Samolesky and guitarist David Guillas, playing such complicated riffs at top speed it's hard to understand just how they do it.
The latest album, last year's 'Failed States', is well represented, with 'Note To Self', 'Failed States' and 'Cognitive Suicide' all following on from each other. 'Night Letters', 'Dear Coach's Corner' and 'Tertium Non Datur' are representing the album 'Supporting Caste'. Further back you get 'Speculative Fiction', 'Fuck The Border' and then even further back into the nineties there's room for 'Apparently, I'm a P.C. Fascist (Because I Care About Both Human and Non-Human Animals)' and 'Less Talk, More Rock'. My favourite tonight is 'Back To The Motor League'. Keeping it current as well, for the encore there's a slight change to the lyrics for 'Stick the Fucking Flag Up Your Goddam Ass, You Sonofabitch', where the latter is now "Maggie Thatcher". I concur.
Awesome show; the only smoke was dry ice and mainly a nice crowd, though to all the young ladies with huge handbags knocking people and their drinks about, you're at a gig not on holiday, leave it at home.
Dear Coach's Corner
Fuck the Border
A Speculative Fiction
Note to Self
Failed States
Cognitive Suicide
Apparently, I'm a P.C. Fascist (Because I Care About Both Human and Non-Human Animals)
...And We Thought Nation States Were a Bad Idea
Less Talk, More Rock
Things I Like
Unscripted Moment
Mate Ka Moris Ukun Rasik An
Without Love
Human(e) Meat (The Flensing of Sandor Katz)
Night Letters
Rattan Cane
Duplicate Keys Icaro (An Interim Report)
The Banger's Embrace
Back to the Motor League
Stick the Fucking Flag Up Your Goddam Ass, You Sonofabitch

sorry, we currently have no gigs listed for this act.