Kate Nash's fans need more than just mouthwash

news: Monday 17th September 2007

Kate Nash has branded a heckler who invited her to 'get her m*ff out', as "lame, crude and just old".

During an XFM gig at the Camden Barfly last week Nash was taunted by a heckler, who then had a plastic pint class thrown at him by the singer's boyfriend - Ryan Jarman (from The Cribs).

During a interview with XFM Nash said “That guy shouted that out and I was like 'That's so lame, so crude, so old'. I was really surprised someone would say that, I was like 'God, do people still say that kind of thing?' But he was dealt with accordingly I think, he got a pint chucked over him."

Kate Nash

article by: Scott Johnson

photos by: Scott Johnson

published: 17/09/2007 21:27

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