We are in the small room of the Corporation to witness three fine rock and roll specimens. First up Violent Angel, who have formed from the ashes of Sheffields Timebomb 69, and have only been in this current formation for three whole weeks. They are very tight for three weeks old.

They have the long haired front man and powerful songs like Truth Behind The Lies. Singer Andy Sawf comments on his bewilderment how singers can keep up the throat splitting roars for an hour and half, as he is struggling with thirty minutes!
Flatline may not have the long haired singer, but he is nice to look at and besides, both two other band members have huge dreaded hair. With powerful vocals these are every inch the rock and roll band, heavily riff orientated and with catchy melodies.

There is a little bit of the funky Chilli Peppers in there, but its mainly ordered about by the sound of GNR. Knocked Down is a fine piece of in-your-face rock, and I dont see anyone who isnt at least tapping their foot along. A cover of Thin Lizzys Whiskey In The Jar completes the set, and I am truly impressed by the Sheffield lads.
After the split of the Wildhearts in 2005, Chris Jaghdar (more widely known as CJ) began work on a side project featuring Paul Grant of 3 Colours Red on guitar. The result is the album Thirteen, released only this year as the Wildhearts reformed. It is in the same vein as The Wildhearts; rock with sing-a-long choruses and a poppy feel. Heavy but your gran could like it.

Main tune Girls On Fire is a prime example of this. Played early on it sets the pace for many songs, apart from the slowed down Couldve Been Beautiful. CJ is a charming chap, chatting with the crowd (however not as much as Ginger i.e. Motormouth does!).
We are even treated to a Honeycrack song as the final treat (Go Away). CJ will be playing as support to Ginger and the Scorchers (yes; yet another incarnation for the dreaded one) in September, and then again as a member of The Wildhearts in December.
This Is Reality
Girls On Fire
Get Out Of My Way
Couldve Been Beautiful
How Can You Feel
Wanna Know Now
Myself To Blame
What You Living For
Written In Blood
Song For You
Go Away
sorry, we currently have no gigs listed for this act.