
Rescue Rooms, Nottingham on Sat 15th Oct 2005

Magnet are one of those bands that seem to have been around ages and seem to pop up everywhere. Tonight they were in Nottingham as the support band for The Engineers.

Quite often when a venue only has a handful of people it can be indicative of a rubbish support band. However tonight was an exception to the rule...

Magnet bravely stepped onto the stage in front of the ten people that had been bothered to stay to watch the support band.

Magnet’s music is wonderfully beautiful and atmospheric, although I did have trouble hearing the vocals clearly throughout the first couple of tracks. However once everything was sorted soundwise, it became a rather enjoyable and pleasant experience watching these gifted musicians just enjoying themselves on stage.

Admittedly the lack of an audience did have a negative effect on the atmosphere, but after a while the audience got bigger and bigger until it was a fairly reasonable size - at which point it was time for Magnet to leave the stage.

One of the highlights of Magnets short but deliciously sweet set was when they performed ‘Fall At Your Feet’ which got an impressive response from the crowd!

Despite a confidence-shattering turnout to begin with, Magnet still managed to put on a good show.

article by: Luke Seagrave

published: 18/10/2005 17:20


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