Tony Blair praises the British music industry

news: Wednesday 7th March 2007

Maybe it's a final attempt to look cool with the kids. Prime Minister Tony Blair has praised the state of the 'booming' British music industry.

Speaking yesterday at a visit to the Tate Modern Art Gallery in London, he said that he believed music was an integral part of a ‘golden age’ in the arts.

He said: “A nation that cares about art will not just be a better nation. In the early 21st Century it will be a more successful one.”

Gigwise reports that Mr Blair mentioned the reason behind the success of the arts was the music business, which rakes in £6billion to the country’s economy, and that he takes ‘great pride’ in Britain’s cultural industries. Claiming that London was undoubtedly the creative capital of the world.

Blair went on to say: "For me the whole process of stimulation through books, plays, films, works of art; the delight in design, in architecture, in crafts: all of this enlarges a country's capacity to be reflective, interested and bold. Dynamism in arts and culture therefore creates dynamism in a nation.".

published: 07/03/2007 11:17