Casiotone For The Painfully Alone

Norwich Marquee on Thu 25th May 2006

Casiotone For The Painfully Alone/Norwich Marquee/25th May 2006Prior to this gig I was faced with a difficult decision. Both Jeniferever and Casiotone For The Painfully Alone were playing in Norwich on the same night and of course I wanted to go to both. In the end I decided upon American film-school dropout Owen Ashworth and his brand of Casio pop, it proved to be an interesting choice.

I was inquisitive to see how the CFTPA experience would translate live due to the solo nature of the live show compared to the guest vocalists and musicians that feature on record. It was a feature I felt the set was clearly lacking for the most part as the female vocals that feature on recent album “Etiquette” give the CFTPA sound a welcome boost. Despite this Owen managed to perform an entertaining set even though he was battling sound problems throughout due to the venue’s rather annoying sound limiter.

The limiter interrupted the performance on a few occasions and it didn’t put Owen in the best of moods. To be fair it is quite understandable, having come all the way from Chicago to be told you’re too loud for the snobs at the local council is a bit demoralising. However he laughed it off and battled on regardless.

The stripped down sound of the set was very reminiscent of CFTPA’s earlier albums, featuring battery powered keyboards and a lo-fi sound although the set contained a lot of newer songs from the Etiquette album, that features a more polished production and more diverse range of instrumentation. This juxtaposition of styles was a welcome part of the show as I feel it’s important for an artist to not simply replicate an album live but to create a unique live sound of their own.

It was an enjoyable gig although at times I felt everything seemed a bit samey, after all there’s only so much you can do with a Casio keyboard and a set of vocals. It was kind of a case of once you’d heard one song you’d heard them all and I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d of had more fun across the road at Jeniferever. A fun gig nevertheless, however I’d definitely recommend the CFTPA album experience over the live one, especially as the cds don’t get cut off by sound limiters!

article by: Jan-Paul Maddix

published: 30/05/2006 09:03


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